Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Yahweh-Jireh—The God who Provides

It's been a couole days...somce getting off IV I've been getting back into a routine at home. Ive been able to walk the dogs for at least 2 miles and then go to vestibular rehab yesterday. Monday I tecovered from the weekend--after Saturday's celebration, we had church and Mother's Day so I was wiped. Today, after trying many times, I finally was able to get to the ranch! Victory Alliance Ranch is a ranch that specializes in working with veterans with PTSD and other injuries and also children with disabilities. They are going to compete in the state Special Olympics show this weekend. My friend Fathom drove me and we cleaned out stalls and swept the aisle and then I was able to help bring the mares in for feeding time. The owner, Karen, rescues horses--she has 73 equines, including a handful of donkeys. Her most recent rescues from a kill pem had all their teeth pulled...sin is ugly and evil! So thankful I serve a just and holy God who will judge every sin One Day! It was amazing to just be around the horses--oh! She has a Russian Buddony mare who had a colt recently named Yuri--we gave him butt scratches abd he absolutely loved it. I had never heard of this breed until I went to the ranch yhe first time a few months ago. It was bred to be a strong molitary horse from 1921-1940's in Russia. It was so sweet to escape from all the doctors and rehab and feeling cruddy and just breathe in horses and love on them. Horses are truly one of God's greatest gifts! Now to the title of the blog--my God who provides--Since getting home from the hospital I finally hot the Volara--a lung machine that is $20,000 and insurance denied both times. Hillrom, the company that makes them, approved me for financial aid for a mere fraction of the cost so I have it and have been using it and could immediately tell it gets the medicine deeper and just helps me clear out mucus better. Im SO thabkful for this! Then, insurance approved my bearing aide upgrade request and it came yesterday!!! I just have to make an appointment with my audiologist to program it and theh I'll have a hearing aide again for the first time in 5 years...I lost my old one in 2018 after Grandma passed away and life juat went crazy. A lot of people dont realize i have 80% hearing loss in both ears, but lip read and its amazing how your brain pieces words together from hearing parts of words. Tomorrow I see a new ENT murse practicioner in an office that does a special vestibular test. I couldnt just get the test--I had to see one of their docs first so I have that in the morning at 8. Enjoy some pictures from the last few days!

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me happy! I'm do glad God gave you a love for horses!
