Sunday, May 7, 2023

Praising my Omnisapient God in the Midst of Pain

Today has been good and hard all at the same time. It was wonderful to be at church and I learned a new word: omnisapient which means "all wise". Our sermon was on Romans 14:10-12 and brought me to tears. Although I was hooked up to my IV pole throughout church, was dizzy, nauseous, and just felt cruddy, it was such a blessing to be with the body and worship my Savior together. I started off the day throwing up...even with peppermint and ginger, so I got outside and walked Blue and that helped some. I've also had radiating pain through my upper right lobe of my lung into my right shoulder most of the day. This can be typical of when antibiotics are doing battle with the infection and I'm coughing and moving things around, but normally, I can do treatments, deep breathing, cough or do something and it relieves it but nothing is helping today. I even resorted to a lidocaine patch I have from the hospital and that eased it some, but it's still there as I'm finishing up evening treatments. I just watched an incredible Joni video about crying out God's promises when she's in pain. She is such an example to follow her as she follows Christ. Here is the youtube address: It's definitely worth 30 minutes of your day to be encouraged! I'm so thankful for the truth of God's omnisapience--He knows best how to orchestrate our lives for our ultimate good and His ultimate glory! There is such comfort knowing my Savior is on the throne! Last night was a fun evening to top off our Saturday--we went to Brandon and Fathom's for dinner and then did s'mores. It was such a beautiful night and I'm so thankful for their friendship. We did snapchat filters and had lots of laughs and good times living life together. We are both walking through some significan trials, but oh so thankful, first and foremost for our Savior, that we are at Grace, and that God is forging our friendship as we walk with each other through the fires of this life. May God be glorified in and through our growing, eternal friendship!

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