Friday, April 28, 2023

God’s Perfect Plans

good morning everyone! The Lord continues to amaze me with each day, how He continues to bring someone into my path that I can encourage. this morning her name is Sonya. I walked past her but then noticed she had on rubber boots with horses on them so I turned around and said "I love your boots! Do you have horses?" she responded, "not now, but I grew up with with horses." we got closer and I showed her the picture of the painting that Yvonne did for me and explained that I lost him in 2020 along with Crash, my black lab in January of 2020. I noticed her eyes look like she had been crying so I asked is something wrong? She said, "My Mom just died." I told her I'd be praying for her and asked if I could pay for her now. She said yes and so I paid for her right there in the hallway and asked if I could share her name and ask y'all to continue to pray for her. This is not the first time this has happened during one of my hospitalizations. I'll never forget a lady in Tucson, who was crying in the hallway...her husband was really sick. God is sovereign over everything and often I think we are too busy to pay attention, and we miss these opportunities that He puts in our path. as I walk through the hospital halls, I see so many people on their phone, not paying attention to where they're going or acknowledging their fellow human beings. We were created for a relationship first and foremost with Jesus Christ, and secondly, to our fellow human beings. If you look up from your phone or from what you're doing, look around and see the relationships that God has right in front of you, whether there's broken ones that need to be healed or new ones that need to be poured into...its spring time right now and here in Alabama new life is coming out and growing and making everything thing pretty...breathe new life into someone today that needs to hear God's word...and you can only do that if you, yourself, are in His life giving, living, active Word that pierces our hearts, exposes the joints and marrow, and heals our hearts so that we can then pour into others, by HIS strength and by His grace. Id love to pray for you! Comment below with any prayer requests! For the King! Rachelle PS--pray especially for rest for my sweet hubby whose coworker told him he looked like a zombie yesterday...he never sleeps well when im hospitalized. Thank you!!

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