Sunday, January 23, 2022

Vestibular Injury, but had a Good Day Today

So this will be short as my eyes have taken in all the information they want to take in today.  I was able to make it to Grace Life, or the Sunday School part of church this morning.  The class I am in is studying Psalm 73 and it's SO encouraging.  We said hi to some people and then came home to livestream church since my brain gets easily overwhelmed with lots of activity.  

I took a nap and then we took the dogs for a walk.  It was a beautiful day out today and so nice just to be outside in the sunshine and with my hubby and puppies.  I'm taking Zofran every 8 hours and that is allowing me to function, while I utilize my vestibular rehab skills from the past.  So thankful I have these coping mechanisms.  The vestibular system is your balance system and consists of your eyes, ears, and sense of touch that communicates to your brain where you are at in space.  Check out THIS Link  if you want to learn more about it, but essentially the antibiotics damaged the system and my brain has to re-learn the new signals that are different with the damage.  The brain truly is fascinating--and just testifies to the amazing God we serve.  

Gonna sign off for now as screen time is difficult at the moment.  Here are a couple pictures from our walk today. :) 

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