I have been talking about starting a blog for awhile and it has finally come to pass. :) With the recent upheaval in my health and trying to remember who I've told what, I think this is the easiest way to say it once and anyone that wants the details (girls like details...guys like lists!) can get the details and the guys can skim the details for the list they are looking for. :) As Jordan fondly says, "Rachelle knows how to make a short story long". I get so excited about all the details that God weaves into our lives that I can go on 50 tangents in one conversation and never get back to the original topic because I want everyone to see how God orchestrates all the little details of our lives to glorify Him and work out His redemptive plan in our lives.
That being said, my purpose with this blog is multifaceted. I love to write and have for a long time. I love to write and talk about my Savior. When I do something, the "over achiever" in me (yep it's still there even after being out of high school for 10 years!!!) likes to go "all out". Many people have asked me over the years if I've thought about writing about my experiences with my chronic lung disease so this is the beginning of that adventure. I'm going to start writing on this blog and pray for God to guide and direct my story and see where He takes it. My dream would be to write a book one day as I love to encourage others towards the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that seems to encapsulate everything my heart desires, but I also want to be wise with the limited energy and time the Lord has given me so I think this is a great way to "test the waters" and see where He takes it. :)
From the start I want to say feel free to pass anything on to anyone you feel it might encourage as that is my passion and one of the awesome benefits of being in His body. Feel free to ask me any questions--I am very open (sometimes too open!) about my disease or any other things in my life, especially if I know the Lord can use it to help others run the race He has called them to run.
Thanks for coming alongside Jordan and I and helping us run our race as we all run together to glorify Him in all that we do!
Rachelle (and Jordan) :)
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