Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Thorn Bushes Have Roses

     Hey everyone.  It's been a bit since I've been able to post.  Everyday it's on my list of things to do, but as I've been able to slowly resume some normal activities like cooking and light cleaning, those things have taken up all my time and energy.  For example, I had to vacuum one room at a time and rest for awhile.  I've improved A LOT, but still have a long way to go to get back to my baseline.  Yesterday, my mucus started turning thick and green again and I'm 3 1/2 weeks into the inhaled antibiotic so this should not be happening.  Please pray for wisdom for doctors and for Jordan and I as we definitely do not want me to use IV antibiotics again unless we absolutely have to because I have major issues with all of them I've taken since December 2010.

     You may be wondering about the title of this blog post.  Jord's Mom, Cathy, gave me a tea calendar and every month there are quotes on it.  This month's quote is from Abraham Lincoln: "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or we can be thankful thorn bushes have roses."  It's a great reminder of how to live life.  In the midst of severe trials or difficult circumstances, it can be easy to focus on our problems and not think of much else.  I've been there and it's always a difficult balance for me to figure out how much I need to focus on my health to manage and pursue treatment options by being a good steward of the body God has given me but not focusing so much on my health that I end up in this downward spiral trying to figure out every little detail and end up depressed.  The Bible talks a lot about serving others in the midst of your difficulties.  Joni Eareckson Tada talked about instead of asking God, "Why?" ask Him, "How?" "How do you want me to walk through this?" "How do you want me to glorify You?" "How do you want me to serve others?" These are great questions and have helped me a lot over the last several months.  

     As I've been starting to incorporate normal activities back into my life, I've reflected on the last 4 months and how many people have served Jordan and I so well through this latest challenging season.  While a lot of people have stepped up and helped, there have been a few in particular that have gone out of their way time and time again to help me.  I know they are always just a phone call away and they are dear friends that I am incredibly blessed to have in my life.  So, I'm going to start a "Thank You" blog series and each post is going to tell you about these friends of mine that I love so very much...one thing I am looking forward to in heaven is seeing how many crowns they will have to cast at Jesus feet because of their selfless service to me.  

     There's a reason God calls us to be thankful.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, "Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. In EVERYTHING give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."  When we find things to be thankful about, no matter how challenging the situation, it's amazing how much better our attitude can be and how much easier it is to look beyond ourselves and serve others, thus bringing glory to the Lord.  I've been reading "The Gospel Primer" by Milton Vincent again recently and one of my favorite passages in that book talks about how we deserve a full cup of God's wrath and when we view our lives like that--remembering what we deserve--to be given an empty cup would be means for eternal praise and thanks to Jesus, but instead He gives us an overflowing cup filled with blessings that we do not deserve.  So next time you are tempted to grumble about your circumstances, remember all that Jesus took for us in our place on that cross and the hope and eternal joys of heaven we have to look forward to, and purpose to be thankful.  

     In the Love of the Lamb,
Rachelle :) 


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